
I believe this happened our second Christmas without Jason. My husband was having a very hard time with the holidays approaching. He did get out there early and put up the lights on the house while it was still warm…. But his heart just
wasn't into it…. After Thanksgiving we light the lights… And he started noticing a little tiny bird huddled up on the Christmas lights at the top of the garage. We were using those little lights so there could not have been any real heat from this light. This tiny little bird was only there when he was home…. it was not there in the day time… it was not there when I got home from work… but half hour later when my husband got here…. There he was sitting right there in the very same spot… He would sit there even when my husband started talking to him…he never budged. All night long he would be there…. Still there in the morning when my husband left for work…. But gone 10 minutes later when I left for work. I did get to see him… he was there when I would go out to feed my horses…. I knew he wasn't there for me…. he was a sign for my husband…. He was sent to help my husband get through the season…. We were blessed for over a month….. This tiny little bird sat there night after night shivering in the cold dark night until after Christmas…. Then he just went away.
I remember our 3rd anniversary of Jason’s passing…. tried to make it through
Without caving in… So Bud and I decided to go to bed early so we could be asleep and miss that dreaded time of 10:20. That was the time Jason left our house the night he left this world. We fell asleep quickly actually. The next thing we know the alarm clock goes off and wakes us up. It was 10:20 P.M. and it was set for 5:00 A.M.
On my bad days…I would ask Jason for a sign… anything….and sometimes he would
give me one… and sometimes nothing… I was sitting at my computer one day and
ask for anything…. just let me know he was still with me…. I probably begged a lot more than I remember now….lol
And then the little candle that is right above the computer dropped in my lap…I didn’t see it move…I saw it drop..

I guess I should have started out by telling you that when Jason was 3 or 4 years old
he told us about the last time he was here on earth. What he did…how old he was when
He died.. and how he died. He was a soldier in the civil war…. now think about that…what coud a tiny little tyke know about the civil war…. His entire life he tried to remember the battlefield that he died on… he would search pictures of different battlefields… he said he would remember it if he saw see it…. but he just didn’t remember the name of it.
Jason was very good at coming around and talking to me… I could hear him just like
hearing yourself talking to you. In fact I used to say to myself…. you are way crazy….and I’d
hear Jason laughing…no your not.. I would ask him what he did and he told me (and
Numerous mediums told me the very same thing) that “he volunteered for taking people home” He said he liked to
Go out on “quick deaths” like his was…. I asked him why….he said “You should see
Their faces” I started to think about that…. and at first I thought it was morbid… but
Then you think about it from the person’s point of view…and you have to say…COOL!
April 2, 2005 we went to a funeral service. After paying our respects we left about 2:45. This service was about 30 miles away from our home.
We had told Chelsea and Gregory that we would pick them up after the service so they could spend the night... so as we were getting to the car.... my husbands cell phone was ringing... but they had hung up by the time he pushed the receive button... they my cell phone started to ring.... we knew it was the kids...lol So I talked to Chelsea and told her we had one stop to make then we would be there to get them.... After we hung up...Bud said.... "I take it that was Miss Chels" I said yes it was .... there was some other conversation between Bud and I... we continued down the road. We made our stop.......picked up the kids...... stopped at the grocery store...and drove home.... sounds very boring doesn't.... well read on.......................
When I got home I checked the answering machine to see if we had missed any calls... it was blinking....so I pushed the button to listen to the call........... it was the conversation I had with Chelsea on MY CELL PHONE and the conversation I had with Bud in the car..... it's impossible to record that on my house telephone. Now some of you are thinking same phone line same cell... wrong.... we have regular phone line and a different carrier for our cell phone..... and even if that was possible.... how could it have recorded our conversation in the car driving down the road.... well ..... That's GOD and Jason... and I thanked them both.
