
Oh How I Miss You

Things I’ve Learned about Grief

Depending on your closeness to grief….
your relationship with
your loved one,
really determines how deep into the
Grief pit you land.
Most of us know what I mean by the pit.
And some of us were so deep….
there was no light shining in our
A total void …..

In the beginning it’s best to just to lie there
let the world move by without
I’ve heard people say “Survive one day at a time”….
in the first few weeks ……..
it’s minutes at a time….

Intense grief is not only an emotional ache…
it’s physical pain…
Your entire body aches…
not just your broken heart. Your spirit
Feels left behind….
lost…..totally lost…..abandoned. Forsaken…

You must wallow in this grief so you may know your enemy.
It is your enemy….and it must be fought….
But your not
Strong enough to fight anything….
so you wait…. And little by
in this dark pit you see a pin hole of light….
This light is called faith….

This light is our spirit telling us….
the only way to survive is to…… get well
to fight the monster…grief is a monster..
we don’t want to get better….life to us
Is not worth living….
it’s to painful…..it hurts to bad to go on alone.
We just want to wallow in our sorrow…….

Each day…that ray of light grows….
our spirit gets stronger…..and we must decide
How we want to spend the rest of our life….
do we want to stay at
That horrible pit….
or should we stand up and fight…
Fighting is
The only way to live through this pain……
it’s a long hard process

And some days the pit wins….
but each time we pull ourselves up
we know that it’s a shorter stay than the last
trip to the pit
And we know that through faith we can win this war.

And yes it is a war…
it’s the hardest battle we will ever fight.
It would be
So easy to just pull the world over our heads
and wait to die….death
Took our loved one…
and it can take us too….. there is no rational thinking
When grief has you cornered.
fight hard this is a battle worth winning.

Once again you will know joy….
actual joy to be alive…to watch
The seasons change…marvel at this
wonderful world we live in….
Look around…… the sun is shining again….
life can be good…..

Everywhere you look someone is in various
Stages of grief. Sharing grief with
family and friends helps us heal.
happiness too should be Shared With family
aren’t we all family….

Reach out and ask what you can do
to ease their load….
please never
tell them to
telling someone this ….
may as well slap them in the face……

You don’t move on with your life….
You learn how to live life again….
without our loved ones physically here….
you learn that your loved one is not dead…
Never has been dead…
and never will be dead….
they are alive and well
Waiting on the other side….
death isn’t the end….
it’s a vehicle to get us to
The next world….

Written by Susie Dunn

What a Beautiful Light you brought to this world.

Beautiful Gifts From Our Friends

 Thank you Beth

 Thank you Saralyn

 Thank you Diane

 Thank you Reeny

 Thank you Joyce

 Thank you Peggy

 Happy Easter From Jason's Friends

 Thank you Saralyn

 Thank you Reeny

To Where You Are

Who can say for certain?
Maybe you're still here--
I feel you all around me--
Your memory's so clear.
Deep within the stillness,
I can hear you speak;
You're still an inspiration.
Can it be?

That you are my Forever Love
And you are watching over me
From up above?
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star!
I wish upon tonight to see you smile,
If only for a while,
To know you're there.
A breath away's not far to where you are.

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dreams?
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen?
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away,
I cherish all you gave me
Every day.

'Cause you are my Forever Love,
Watching me from up above;
And I believe
That angels grieve
And that love will live on and never leave!

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star!
I wish upon tonight to see you smile,
If only for a while,
To know you're there.
A breath away's not far to where you are.

I know you're there---
A breath away's not far to where you are.

(As sung by Josh Groban
For entertainment purposes only.
